August 2019 This morning I found myself in the throes of what I call “being in the midst of an asteroid shower”.   This metaphor describes my experience when I am extremely triggered, and lost in the internal noise of chaos, confusion, and agitation.  Granted, I did my meditations.  Yes, I breathed deeply.  Yes, I tuned […]

August 2019

This morning I found myself in the throes of what I call “being in the midst of an asteroid shower”.   This metaphor describes my experience when I am extremely triggered, and lost in the internal noise of chaos, confusion, and agitation. 

Granted, I did my meditations.  Yes, I breathed deeply.  Yes, I tuned into my feelings.  I did all of the above, and, this time, all of these strategies failed.  The noise just kept getting louder.  Devolving rapidly, I reached for the internet to distract myself.   Surfing the internet can reliably numb me, right?  Wrong!  I was still dodging asteroids and felt my sense of empowerment energetically draining out of my 3rd chakra.

Then, I remembered the Jin Shin self care for internal chaos.  I placed my right hand on the top of my left shoulder.  I placed my left hand directly under my left sit bone at the bottom of my buttocks.  I checked  how disturbed I felt and rated it.   On a scale of 1-10 my agitation was easily a solid 10.  I sat there in the midst of the asteroid shower doing my self care.  Then I did the same thing on the other side.

In a matter of minutes the raggedy-jaggedy edge of my agitation started to smooth out. The noise got quieter. Moment by moment I observed myself evening out, feeling more intelligent, coherent, and grounded.  I noticed myself feeling practical and more present.  The messages about what to do next  streamed in clearly without an undertone of pushiness or urgency.   “Simply do the mundane thing you know you need to do that you’ve been avoiding.  (I primed my water filter.)  Simply just go write about this experience.  (I did.)  Simply do the next thing you know to do and leave the future in the hands of the Divine. “

 The asteroid shower dissipated within 10 minutes.  On a scale of 1-10 my agitation dropped to a 0.  My 3rd chakra felt calm and still.

What had set me off?  Fear and worry.  I had gone to the internet and googled an update on the El Paso, Texas mass shooting.  I grew up in El Paso.  My almost 100 year old mother lives in an assisted living center a few blocks away from the site of the shooting.  My family members shop regularly at the Walmart and shopping center where the shooting occurred.

Trauma, uncertainty and apprehension about survival fill the airwaves.  The gift of Jin Shin TARA self care is that we have an immediate antidote right at our fingertips for regulating ourselves when necessary.  The ensuing calm opens the door within for noticing the beauty, sweetness, love, and peace that are also present everywhere.

To view a training video of the self care that I did, go to www.iteaplus.com, click the Best Practices and Tutorials tab, next, Symptoms from the drop down box, and then, click the button entitled Restoring Balance and Grounding.


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